The past is a distraction.   Your boyfriend that left you, that job you lost or that job you didn’t get is a done deal.  It’s a wrap.  So stop thinking about.  It’s taking up space for other more important stuff, like finding a new boyfriend or a new job.  A distraction is anything that keeps you from getting to what is next. There’s something scary about moving forward because you don’t know what’s going to happen.  That’s why some of us use the past as an oasis from the present.  We call old boyfriends because we are afraid to get back out there.  We kick ourselves for quitting a job we hated when the new one doesn’t seem to be working out. I am not going to get all spiritual on you…Nope, sorry, I lied.  I just have to.  That’s why we have seasons that repeat.  We need physical reminders that parallel the spiritual.  Stuff dies and you need to get the ground ready so you can plant some new stuff… What crops are we going to grow this year, i.e. what’s going to make us the most money, ...